Oct 1, 2013

The Restoration

res·to·ra·tion  [res-tuh-rey-shuhn]  
1. the act of restoring; renewal, revival, or reestablishment.
2. the state or fact of being restored.
3. a return of something to a former, original, normal, or unimpaired condition.
4. restitution of something taken away or lost.

Christ came to earth for many reasons. He came to earth to live a sinless life. To  established His Church, to teach His gospel, and preform many miracles. He came to earth and chose twelve righteous men to assist Him in His ministry. He gave them the priesthood authority to teach in His name and to preform sacred saving ordinances, like baptism.

Christ suffered in the garden and ultimately died on the cross for the sins of the entire world. For everyone on the earth or who would ever be on the earth. Through His suffering, death and resurrection, the Savior made it possible for us to be forgiven. If we have faith in Him, repent of our mistakes, and keep His commandments we can receive forgiveness of our sins and we can be filled with peace and joy.

Christ taught His apostles after His resurrection to teach this to everyone. Though the authority Jesus gave them they were able to do this and were able to preform the ordinances necessary to enter into God's kingdom. His apostles were later killed and the priesthood that Christ gave them was taken off of the earth. With out the authority or the inspired leaders of the church, Christ's Church and gospel was lost.

Many of the truths taught by Christ and His Apostles still remained, but with out the divine leadership, the church was reformed and change through time. Many important principals were lost or forgotten. Christ's church was no more. Without priesthood authority, Christ's gospel could not be returned to its original form. A restoration was needed.

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I add my testimony to that of Elder Perry's. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ is on the earth again. I know that God still speaks to a Prophet today, and that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only way to experience true joy and lasting happiness in this life and in the life to come. I know these things are true, and you can know as well. I invite you to do as Joseph Smith did, that is to ask God if Christ's church is on the earth and I know that God will give you an answer.

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